


熱門關(guān)鍵詞:禹城彩鋼廠,禹城彩鋼復(fù)合板,禹城鋼結(jié)構(gòu)板房 彩鋼板房


來源:http://szgdbearing.com 日期:2022-03-12 發(fā)布人:
The technical key point of Jinan movable plank house installation is a common question that many good friends will ask our Xiaobian recently. The Xiaobian doesn't say much and goes straight to the theme: tell us about the technical key points of movable plank house installation. If you are interested, you can collect this article and take time to read it in detail. Then follow Xiaobian to learn about this article!
1. The earth retaining plate (roof and plate wall) of the movable plank house shall be free from significant deformation and damage; Fixed anchor bolts, moisture-proof sealing rings, metal sealing rings, nylon plate pipes, etc. Detailed and reliable connection; The sealant is complete and effective.
2. The roof of the movable plank house shall be installed stably, the cornice shall be vertical, and the overlapping direction of the reinforcement of the slab shall be appropriate and consistent.
3. The adhesive board wall shall be properly installed and the surface shall be smooth. The embedded parts shall be installed stably on the plate and wall. The left and right reinforcement shall be overlapped with tongue and groove joints, and the lower reinforcement of the plates on both sides shall be overlapped. The overlapping size of the reinforcement shall not be less than 15mm.
4. The wiring of electrical equipment in movable board room shall be PVC pipe (slot), and the wiring shall be neat and beautiful; The allocation of electrical equipment shall meet the provisions of the design scheme; The route has no insulation embrittlement and widening.
5. Fire resistance of movable plank house: the safety distance shall meet the design scheme and standard provisions, and the fire access door shall be smooth; The configuration of fire hydrants and fire extinguishers shall meet the provisions of the design scheme, and the layout shall be reasonable; Fire retardant and thermal insulation measures for fire accident sites such as restaurants and kitchens shall be reasonable; The flame retardant grade of metal material color steel sandwich board shall not be less than 32, and the flame retardant of wood floor and other flammable raw materials shall be solved.
6. Lightning protection of movable plank house: the lightning protection and grounding settings comply with the design scheme and standards; The resistance of grounding wire shall meet the standard.
The above is all the content introduced to you. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more, you can visit our website and we will provide you with more detailed information. You can also call us and we will provide you with online service 24 hours a day.




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